Skyline Spartans Youth Cheer
Thank you for being a part of the SYFA Community! We look forward to having your cheerleader grade 2nd to 8th join our program! Depending on age and skill we can accept 2nd grade. Cheerleaders will cheer in squad groups with their grade and cheer for Youth Football players in their grade bands. We partner with the Skyline High School Cheer program and each Youth Squad will have HS Coaches to work with and mentor them. Our season begins in Mid-August and runs through Mid-November. Practices are typically on a Tues/Thurs evening in August and then Sept-Nov Wednesday evenings plus Saturday Game Days. Cheerleaders will have a camp, practices, uniforms, training, mentors, buddies, game performances, a celebration party and more throughout our season! as a part of the squad. Our goal is to build up young cheerleaders with self-confidence, leadership skills, performance skills, community kindness and more to represent our program. Hailey Chamberlain, is the VP of Cheer for SYFA and Founder of POMS and brings a lifetime of experience in Cheer and Dance, specializing in stunt and tumbling technique as a Competitive Collegiate Cheerleader, UCA Coach, and professional NFL Cheerleader . We also have parent volunteers, High School Coaches and the SYFA Board in support of our program! |
cHEER uNIFORM iNFOOur SYFA Cheer Uniform recently updated and will be the same for years to come! See the Uniform Pricing and Sizing Guide here. We have a White Uniform and a Green Uniform as well as sleeves, pants, waterproof jacket, hoodie, practice T-shirts, briefs, shoes, socks, poms, bows and custom bags. We offer a uniform package and then you can swap and adjust items as needed each year.
Cheer expectationsIn order to have a successful season it is important that cheerleaders, volunteers and our High School Coaches all follow Cheer Expectations together! Safety is key and we train and work on technique throughout the season and rely on cheerleaders showing up ready and prepared. The start of each season and throughout we will review the Cheer Expectations with our squads to ensure we are all working together for the best season together!
Cheer Expectations Info |
Welcome Info and Schedule DetailsEach season our details can change so always stay tuned for updates throughout. SYFA Cheer typically runs from Mid-August to Mid-November. In August we will have a Day Camp for training with our HS Coaches and evening practices 2x a week. Starting in September to November practices will move to 1x a week plus Saturday Game Days. Opening Game Day Weekend is typically Labor Day weekend and then games are weekly on Saturdays. Each Squad will cheer at 1 game minimum each Saturday. Please plan accordingly and mark off your calendar to be available during these months. Knowing cheers, technique, stunts, and dance routines will be required in order to perform. You can notify the Cheer VP of any known conflicts as early as possible to plan ahead, [email protected].
Welcome Letter Info |